Company 119»
Overseas response 119
Company 119
Overseas response 119
What kind of troubles do you have? When you are in trouble, please leave it to us.
Overseas correspondence 119
Want to start overseas trading
◇ Since orders came from Singapore, you want I to instruct the conclusion of English contract
◇ Since there was a request to see the goods from the country of Europe, you want I to translate the brochure in English immediately
◇ Overseas dealings started, I would like samples of delivery note, invoices and receipts in English
You are considering overseas expansion
◇ Want to establish a company in Hong Kong
◇ Want to list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
◇ Want to list on the Singapore market
◇ Want to acquire a company listed on Australia
◇ Want to make a factory in China (Shanghai)
◇ Want to make a merger company in Cambodia
◇ Want to M&A overseas company but you want I to investigate whether the evaluation is valid
Want to solve problems of overseas subsidiarries

◇ Want to investigate urgently as a director of a subsidiary in China is fraudulent
◇ Want I to go to support because the US subsidiary settlement of accounts does not stop even after six months.
◇ I would like you to prepare documentation on transfer pricing taxation with overseas subsidiaries
Founded a company but you are short of funds
◇ You are in trouble with bank correspondence
◇ Was told to file a business plan from the bank
◇ Bank correspondence of manager’s director is bad
◇ Tax is always taken though it is not profitable
◇ There are several divisions but I don’t know the department of the deficit
◇ You’re not reliable because the fiscal period closing is slow
◇ There is no money to pay a consumption tax although it is in surplus
◇ You want to increase customers, but you have no personal connectionsbr
◇ Sales manager is high in salary, but customer does not increase
◇ New business does not grow up while core business is low
You are trouble with stock・There is no successor to the company
◇ You want to buy a friendly shareholder suddenly became a rival
◇ You want to buy stock of brother
◇ You want to buy stock of employees
◇ You don’t know the calculation of stock price
◇ You want to buy shares cheaply but don’t know the strategy
◇ Shareholders refused to purchase. You are worried
◇ You want to issue stock options advantageously
◇ Want to make capital policy (stock strategy) urgently
◇ You want to recruit stable shareholders
◇ You want to know the know-how to recruit capital from business partners and banks
◇ Your son refused to run the company
◇ You want to sell your company to a third party
◇ You want to transfer company shares to your son
◇ You want to trust the company’s management to others
◇ You want to take a capital participation in a famous company
Want to advance into a different industry
◇ Sales of core business are falling every year
◇ Can’t evaluate because it is a new business
◇ It is necessary for a franchise to 100 million yen, but you want to verify that profits will
◇ You want to buy a company, but you want to investigate whether it will benefit
◇ You will buy overseas companies, but you want to investigate
◇ ◇ You started a new business, but sales are not good. You want to increase customers
◇ You want to open a new store but want to verify the business plan
◇ You want to build a factory overseas but there is no know-how
The tax office suddenly come, you are in trouble
◇ The tax accountant is busy and will not respond
◇ The tax accountant becomes a friend of the tax office and the collection is increasing
◇ Tax accountant is older, it takes time to respond and soon forget
◇ You want to introduce an excellent tax accountant
◇ Tax officer came and it takes more than three months for ordinary survey
◇ Although the accounting is absent, the tax officer will take papers without permission
◇ The inspection department of the National Taxation Bureau came and an advisory tax accountant was arrested
◇ The accounting manager is collapsed with illness, the tax officer comes although the labor is not enough
Want a professional consultation on cash flow
◇ Cash flow suddenly got wrong
◇ The bank suddenly became a cold attitude
◇ Customer went bankrupt
◇ Payment bills can’t be settled next week
◇ You want to raise funds before becoming a bad bill
◇ Can’t pay income tax / consumption tax
◇ Social insurance, labor insurance can’t be paid
◇ Bank negotiations are bat at the accounting manger
◇ Accounting manager said bad things about company to branch manager
◇ Main bank does not move
◇ The main bank has only watch out other banks’ complexion. It is un reliable
◇ The financial director sent by the bank has no ability
◇ You don’t know how to make a cash flow chart and lack persuasiveness
◇ You don’t know how to make a long-term business plan. It doesn’t pass by simple multiplication
◇ You want to do a rescheduling (Grace of repayment / interest exemptions), but I don’t have any know-how
◇ You want to cut off loans (exemption from borrowing), but don’t have any know-how
Want professionals to conduct embezzlement of executives
◇ Employees may be embezzling
◇ The cashier steals cash, but don’t know who it is
◇ It seems that the sales officers are playing side-by-side
◇ Purchasing manager is stealing margin from vendor
◇ Production staff are working side by side and doing side work
◇ Sales manager is stealing margin with double booking
◇ Branch manager embezzles small cash
◇ Even if consult the police, the police will not move at all without intervention in civil affairs
◇ Even if you talk to a lawyer, the talks stop because the damage is not determined
◇ You want to investigate and verify that property is actually present
◇ You want to audit the operations for fraud
◇ You want to calculate the damage. You want to consolidate evidence
The company may go bankrupt
◇ You want to reconstruct by civil rehabilitation
◇ You guarantee the bank as the new business president, but will it become self-bankruptcy
◇ Don’t want to harm the business president’s wife or son
◇ How much does attorney fee costs
◇ You want to introduce an excellent lawyer
◇ You don’t know the exact financing
◇ You don’t know when you are short of fund
◇ You want to leave attorney fees and the deposit of the court before you are short of fund
◇ You want to make an inventory of property, but there is not enough manpower
◇ Accountant manager leaves due to deterioration of cash flow and bank negotiation can’t be done
◇ You can’t judge whether it is bankrupt or rebuilding
◇ You want to continue management even after the reconstruction but you don’t know the method
◇ It was said that civil rehabilitation requires a sponsor, but there is no personal connections
◇ You want to reproduce by rescheduling (cut off loans)
◇ Inheritance tax is high and company can not be inherited
◇ Want to leave a will
◇ I want to effectively manage overseas heritage